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AS I WAS SAYING . . . - Dear Friends and Readers

Dear Friends and Readers:

I am reminding you of the fact that my next article under my column known as, “AS I WAS SAYING . . . ,” will be published on June 29, 2017. Following that article there will be a suspension of my column to immerse myself into the writing of a new book. From time to time, I may publish articles I believe to be important.

It is my fond hope that you have found my articles to be of interest and assistance as you grow to become the best advocate for your children.

Although I am no longer a young man, I am not quitting, retiring or going into a rest home. Fortunately, my brain continues to operate on a reasonably functioning level. I am committed to present my thoughts, ideas and philosophies regarding the developmental disabled and, mostly, to give you an opportunity to learn and scrutinize what you should be fighting for. The reviewing of my articles published in “AS I WAS SAYING . . .” led me to the conclusion that only a new book will provide me with the best opportunity to describe and allow the reader to understand and apply my system of small community based residential homes and services in a system that was far better, far cheaper and focusing on humanity and a real home. The provision of all necessary and required services shall be the top priority rather funding.

When a young woman I have been communicating with, a deeply committed advocate, has recently told me and others that her advocacy days can be over as it is too too hard and frustrating as services continue to deteriorate, we are in serious with the developmentally disabled.

As Elie Wiesel determined to stand and Bear Witness for the holocaust, I have felt compelled to be one who will always remember and remind others about the Willowbrook State School and what and how we almost made it. Although active persistent vigilance will always be necessary to safeguard the rights of all developmentally disabled, we will succeed, as we must.

So, I wish you all good sailing and good health, until we meet again at a time when real active advocacy blooms and you can complete the job with safety guards to preserve all rights the developmentally disabled are entitled.

My e-mail addesses and facebook pages and my website shall be simple ways to reach me.

Thank you.

Murray Schneps

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